Just for Farmers
We are working with David Hyner and Paul Harris to develop a webinar and podcast series. David Hyner of Stretch Development is a unique motivational speaker and facilitator on goal-setting and purpose, and Paul Harris of Real Success, consultants helping farmers manage the whole people's life-cycle from finding the right people for your business, helping you grow them so they will stay longer and motivating them to perform at their best.
The webinars are a relaxed and fun series of presentations that cover some serious topics that may help you make your busines more effective and help you become a happier farmer.
To open the videos click the arrows.
Just for farmers (Part 1)
Why it is important to have purpose
In the first video in the second series of Just For Farmers David and Paul are joined again by James Bacon a.k.a The Body Fix Coach who this season will be doing regular slots looking at fitness and wellbeing, have a short discussion about the fear of change, and introduce Amy Rowlinson who is an expert on purpose. Without purpose life is a bit of a drag, it is doing stuff rather than knowing why you are doing it and once you know why life becomes easier and far more fulfilling.
Just for farmers (Part 2)
Motivation and addiction
David and Phil are joined by Andy Stone. Andy talks openly about his addictions and mental health challenges with many transferable messages on how to work and manage people to help get the best out of them and make them an important part of your team.
After a short piece from James, the body fix coach David and Phil deep dive into hapiness.
Just for farmers (Part 3)
Getting the admin and paperwork done and the importance of health and safety
Or alternatively titled how to get your kitchen table back from the piles of paperwork! Doug D'Aubry is managing director of Executive Training and Consultancy in the West Midlands and gives some really useful practical advice on taking control of the admin side of your business.
In the second part of the video David and Paul deep dive into safety on the farm and James the body fix coach offeres some advice on increasing your back strength.
Just for farmers (Part 4)
David and Paul are joined by Derek Arden, the UK's authority on negotiating with over thrity years experience in tough negotiating to help businesses make more money and help them to "up their game". https://www.linkedin.com/in/negotiatingexpert/
In the second part, after a short session with James Bacon a.k.a The Body Fix Coach (looks a bit like rugby training to me), Paul and David drill down into giving feedback, both positive and negative.
Just for farmers (Part 5)
Gender, Identity and Tolerance with Rikki Arundel
1. Rikki Arundel joins Paul and David to talk about gender, identity and tolerance in a facinating first part of this video. Rikki is an authority and leading light on the subject and not affraid to stand up for what is right.
2. James the body fix coach gives a short piece looking at single leg setp up exercises. In the final part of the video David and Paul drill down .
Just for farmers (Part 6)
Sustainable Growth with Jules Morgan
Just for farmers (Part 7)
What are you really capable of? with Nigel Vardy
David is in conversation with Nigel Vardy....
Just for farmers (Part 8)
​Happiness with Frederika Roberts
David and Paul are in conversation with Frederika Roberts...... .
Just for farmers (Part 9)
Mentoring with Helen Wyatt
Helen Wyatt.
Just for farmers (Part 10)
Mental Wealth Revolution with Jules Mitchell.
In the first part of this video David and Paul ........
Just for farmers (Part 11)
Stephanie Berkeley - Farming Safety
David is in conversation with Stephanie Berkley from ..... more to come when the video is released.
Farm Safety Foundation (Yellow Wellies) yellowwellies.org
Just for farmers (Part 12)
Keeley Reading - The Farming Mum
David closes the series talking to .